
Solar roads that could power the entire U.S

There are nearly 18,000 square kilometers of highways in the U.S. , an area larger than That is all of the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire combined. Estimates By some, there are more than 2 billion parking spaces. Since Most of the floor is soaking up the sun all day, a couple of businessmen had an idea: Why not put the Solar power generation?

The Solar project roads, repave the city waits for glass covered solar panels That will be enough to allow strong drive while generating enough power to light the way, derritir ice and snow, and Submitting the additional energy to cities. Over time, if every paved Could outside deck surface panels produce more energy than it uses the nation.

The project eight years ago Began When founders Scott and Julie Brusaw Decided to take the risk of develop developing an idea That nobody thought it would work. "Driving in glass had never been done," says Scott Brusaw. "We had some big obstacles in the beginning. How the traction surface on glass is after rain pora deslizen not put cars off the road? glass How is resistant enough to withstand the weight of 18 wheels What if someone is coming out of Home Depot and a hammer falls four kilos ago? "

The Crystal turns out to be stronger than you think. "First, When the glass is Mentioned, people think of the kitchen window, "says Brusaw. "But think of the bullet-proof glass and bomb resistant glass. It May be the way you want. Glass bulletproof several basically sheets are tempered glass laminated together. That's what we have; our glass is only half an inch thick, tempered and laminated. " 

 It is strong enough to withstand easily cars, fully loaded trucks, and even oil rigs up to 250,000 pounds. The texture makes it not slippery, and since it is self-energized inside have small heaters to melt the ice in winter, que makes it. More secure than a common path also energizes small LED lights illuminate the inside That can spell lines and warnings - if motion sensors detect a deer across the road, the lights can reduscan Automatically inform drivers to speed.

 In the parking or standing along the roads, the panels could feed a continuous network of charging stations for electric cars. Over time, the designers believe it May be possible to load the cars directly across the road while driving. In the future, driverless cars . Could Also use the panels to report its location Continuously

Given That is wired all the way, it is easy to Maintain Also:. If a panel fails, the other panels around local repair report with the exact location "A man can go out and fix it in five minutes, "says Brusaw.”That Compare to repair potholes."

using the million dollars They hope to raise at Indiegogo, the company plans to hire more engineers and Develop further the current product to this end, first in smaller parking lots and roads before moving on to the roads THROUGHOUT the country.